それでは、関係代名詞の日常的な用例を詳しく解説いたします。 # 関係代名詞の用例集 ## 1. "that" の用例 1. 制限的用法 ( 限定的な意味 ): - I have a friend *that* loves cooking Japanese food. (料理が好きな友人がいます) - This is the book *that* changed my perspective on life. (人生観を変えた本です) 2. 先行詞が物や概念の場合 : - The problem *that* we discussed yesterday is now solved. (昨日話し合った問題は解決されました) - She bought a smartphone *that* has excellent camera quality. (素晴らしいカメラ性能のスマートフォンを買いました) 3. 前置詞と組み合わせた用法 : - This is the reason *that* I came late. (遅刻した理由はこれです) - The table *that* you were sitting at is over there. (あなたが座っていたテーブルはあそこです) 4. 所有格的用法 : - The man *that*'s car was stolen called the police. (車が盗まれた男性は警察に電話しました) - The team *that*'s performance was outstanding won the championship...